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Can I Pray With You, Pastor?


This past Sunday, I had an opportunity to join a group of men praying for our pastor. It was an interesting morning as seven men of God, got together 20 minutes before the start of the first service. The 20 minutes we spent together with the pastor was prayer time, with each man blessing the service and praying for God’s presence and voice to be heard through the pastor’s message in the hearts of the congregation.

I then followed the seven men to a room where the group of men quickly became a group of 13. Once the service had started, we continued to pray for the next 90 minutes. The purpose and focus of our prayer was again very simple. We prayed to ask for:

God’s presence in the service
God’s will and blessing on the service and on the pastor’s message
To prepare the hearts of His people to hear His Word.

Shortly before the start of the second service, the entire process repeated itself with twenty minutes of prayer with the pastor, followed by 90 minutes of prayer covering for the service, message and congregation.

What an amazing support for the pastor, the congregation and the entire church services. This happens every Sunday with different men taking a Sunday to pray. The benefits of this prayer covering are obvious for the church. What a blessing!

If you would like to learn more about this prayer ministry called, Men of Valor, and how it might fit into the prayer life of your church, please send me an email at

Tom Peterson

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