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Don’t Shrink Back: A Letter to Pastors

As we talk with pastors and leaders across the country, there is a common theme emerging – common experiences being shared and common stories being told. They are stories of discouragement, division in leadership, dissension within churches and considerations of leaving the ministry completely.

Pastors, we want to say to you…

Don’t quit. You are not alone! Remember the promises. Remember the calling. This is a time of great warfare. This is a time of incredible testing and trial. But, child of God, hang on! There is a mantle and anointing on you for this season. Don’t shrink back.

You may not be able to see it now, but what is on the other side of this battle is the fulfillment of God’s promises over you and your region. Those who won’t shrink back will inherit the promise on the other side. Those who pay the price of this season will reap the blessings of the next.

You have such a significant role as a shepherd. You may not feel the significance. You may have others opposing you and your leadership. But, you are significant. You are on the tip of the arrow as a leader, and, as you lead your people through one of the most difficult times in modern history, you are facing intense levels of warfare. You are carrying an enormous burden on behalf of the people of God and you may be wondering if it is worth it. It is!

We want to encourage you to stand strong. We want to remind you that you are not alone and God has given you what you need to stay in the battle and finish well.

May we remind you of 4 keys to standing strong in this season?

  1. Lead from the secret place. With all that is going on, it is so easy to let the urgency of each need and crisis keep you from the very thing that matters the most. To receive the grace and empowerment you need and to accomplish the level of what God has for you, you must prioritize daily time in the Word, in prayer and in His Presence. There is nothing more important in your ministry than your secret place!
  2. Create capacity. It is time to cut out periphery stuff. Simplify. Cut your social calendar. Change the pace so you have space to be quiet, to rest and to heal from the wounds of each day. Creating capacity keeps you from breaking under the weight of the calling and responsibility of your position.
  3. All high places must come down. In the life of a pastor idols of anxiety, fear, insecurity and pride can be very powerful and we can find ourselves bowing to them more often in any given day than we are bowing to the Lord. The subtle sins are often the hardest and most painful to cut down (only two kings in the Old Testament removed the high places in Israel) but they are open doors to the enemy and must be dealt with if we are going to stand strong. Let’s commit to each other that we will deal with every mindset and behavior pattern that roots itself in fear, control, pride, self-sufficiency, self-pity, bitterness, anger, etc. Let’s be counted among those who tear down the high places.
  4. Entreat the Favor of the Lord. Finally, may we encourage you to begin to ask God for His favor? Would you consider walking around the boundary lines of your church and, as you walk, entreat the favor of the Lord? In 2 Kings 13, Jehoahaz “sought the Lord’s favor” and God provided a deliverer. In your discouragement, don’t forget that God longs to be gracious to you and, as you ask Him for blessing and favor, we believe you will begin to see the miracle of His deliverance, provision and protection over yourself, over your family and over your ministry.

God has incredible days ahead. Stand strong in Him. You are not alone. Please reach out to us if you need encouragement and we can pray with you. If you are local, we’d love for you to join us at our two-day Pastors’ Intensive in October where we’ll have extended time to unpack what you are going through and pray with you about what God has in store. We are standing with you, Pastor. Don’t shrink back!  

Serving with you,

Church Awakening



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