Appeal to Heaven
I am confident that God is going to save America for His glory and purposes…especially
after reading Genesis 18 this morning.
That’s where Abraham negotiates with God for the salvation of Sodom and Gomorrah
from impending judgment…and gets as low as 10 righteous people in the city. And God
is willing to spare the twin cities if there are 10 righteous.
The principle Abraham appeals to with God is, “surely You wouldn’t destroy the
righteous along with the wicked” (Genesis 18:25).
And God agrees with him.
In Abraham’s negotiation with God it seems to become a matter of percentages of
righteous in the city. But for whatever reason, Abraham stops negotiating at 10 (down
from 50). And God agrees.
We know from the next chapter that there weren’t even 10 righteous in Sodom and
Gomorrah and the cities were destroyed by God.
Now, with the current climate in our culture and laws protecting the murder of babies in
their mother’s wombs, children being mutilated without parental approval, and with the
lid off of all decent restraints on sexual experience and perversion…and every movie or
TV program promoting the same…America cannot be very far from the conditions that
drew God’s judgment on the cities in Genesis 19.
So, where is the good news?
If, as some believe, Sodom and Gomorrah had 500,000 residents at their time of
judgment, and Abraham negotiated down to 10 righteous…then surely we have a basis
of appeal to heaven that God would spare our nation and save it for His purposes.
The tragedies we have all walked through in the last twelve months have at least served
to awaken God’s people in America, like Abraham, to start calling on Him to save our
land…not for the sake of our comfort or lifestyle, but for His name’s sake and His glory.
And I am confident that there are way more than 10 righteous for every 500,000 in
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