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Worship Wars

Some things never change.

The story is told that back in the days of the Second Great Awakening, Charles G. Finney was in a minister’s meeting where a heated argument had broken out regarding allowing “bass violins” into church worship.

The opponents of the idea believed that if you allowed bass violins into worship, next “they” will want “fiddles” in church.

I think I’ve heard or read about all the worship wars. Pianos are bar instruments. Organs are theater instruments. Bass guitars summon primal urges and drums… well, words fail me.

And then there are the generational worship wars of those who cannot conceive of worshipping with anything other than their preference of worship style… some motivated by a sense of nostalgia, others with a passion to be cutting edge.

I know this may sound harsh, but if you can only worship when certain instruments, harmonies or styles are involved, you may not be a worshiper at all. You may just be a musical snob.

I admit that for me there are certain harmonies and rhythms that stir me, but I cannot allow those preferences to control a heart of worship.

After all, it’s “spirit and truth” that God is searching for in a worshipper, not harmonies and rhythm. A true heart of worship should be able to step into God’s amazing presence through 10,000 Reasons or the Hallelujah Chorus because the desire is just to be near Him and be strangely warmed, even transformed by His love and power.

There’s victory there!

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