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Faith And Doubt

To be honest, I frequently wonder about the blessings of God I might have missed because of lingering doubts. I don’t spend a lot of time beating myself up over it, but it definitely crosses my mind.
Would more people be getting saved at our church if I had more faith?
Would we be seeing the breakthrough promised to the Northwest if I had greater faith?
Would my preaching have greater impact if I had more faith?
Here’s one that regularly troubles me!
Would people I pray for be seeing greater healing miracles if I had more faith?
I think quite a bit about the hypothetical believer in James 1, who asks for wisdom, but is warned that if they waver in their faith they shouldn’t expect to receive anything from the Lord.
Stay with me here!
I’m not depressed or discouraged.
I’m just processing with you.
So, in my morning reading today I am tracing the life of Abraham from Genesis 13 through 15, who Paul says is the father of our faith!
Our quintessential example of living by faith!
In fact, Moses writes of him that “Abram believed the Lord (the extravagant promise of Genesis 15:5), and was counted as righteous because of his faith.”
Mic drop!!
If I stopped reading right there, I’d be tempted to feel like I could never match up to Abram’s faith. It’s not like I doubt what God can do. For me it’s a struggle to believe that He will do what He has promised, at least in a way I am able to see it and be encouraged.
But then, one verse after being extolled for his faith, Abram says to God, “O Sovereign Lord, how can I be sure that I will possess the promise?” (Genesis 15:8)
Abram’s doubts show up only one verse AFTER God has just said that He counts Abram’s faith as righteous.
OK…I can breathe.
I can do this!
I’m not the wavering believer of James 1.
That makes me feel a whole lot better.
Not that I can let myself off the hook and wallow in my doubts, but I am pretty sure that if I keep my eyes on the Lord and keep leaning into His promises to me…He will be glorified through even the littleness of my faith.
Hold on!
Don’t quit now!!
Run the race marked out in front of you.
Strip off any sin that will be a drag on you.
And fix your eyes on Jesus. He is the champion who initiates and perfects our faith (Hebrews 12:2 NLT).

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