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God Does Nothing

OK, that is half of the quotation attributed to John Wesley, an 18th Century instrument of God in one of the greatest and longest revival movements in history.

The second half of the quote is, “…except in response to believing prayer.”

That certainly was the case with Nehemiah, the Old Testament wall-builder.

Nehemiah was the cup bearer and trusted advisor for king Artaxerxes, in Persia, when he got word of how bad things were back in Jerusalem, his home country. The report from one of his brothers was that the city of Jerusalem, the city of God, was in terrible shape.  The walls, representing the city’s defenses, were in ruins. And the gates, representing the authority of the city, were burned down.

As a consequence the city of God was exposed and completely vulnerable to every attack of the enemy.

The news from Jerusalem was devastating to Nehemiah, and his first response was 4 months of prayer and fasting.

Yes, four months!

You discover that fact by adding up the time between Nehemiah 1:1 and 2:1. This is usually overlooked in most sermons or books written about Nehemiah. Nehemiah is typically admired as the poster child for leadership, motivational or organizational ability…but not too often for prayer.

The next golden nugget from Nehemiah gives us an incredible insight into the benefit of his four months in prayer and fasting. It is the secret to his success in rebuilding the defenses of the city of God, and is found in verse 12 of chapter 2, after he finally arrived in Jerusalem. 

In the dead of night he secretly rode around the walls of Jerusalem to inspect their awful condition. And verse 12 says, “I had not told anyone about the plans God had put in my heart.”

How did Nehemiah discover the plans God had for rebuilding the walls and gates of Jerusalem?

Only one way to get those plans.

Protracted, believing prayer.

And, from that starting point, it is no surprise that Nehemiah succeeded in everything he did.

Could God have restored those walls and gates in an instant and with one word from His throne?


Did God need Nehemiah to get the job done?


But, in His sovereignty, God calls His people into a loving partnership with him to accomplish what is on His heart for the advancement of His kingdom on earth. And I believe He works this way because He enjoys our intimacy with Him and the faith required of us for believing prayer.

I have recently heard prayer dismissed by well-meaning but ill-informed Christians in two ways…

1. “I believe in prayer and I am grateful for intercessors, but I am called to do the work of ministry.” No, Nehemiah is proof that prayer IS the work of ministry and without it there can be a lot of activity but not much true ministry.

2. “The most important thing about prayer is that it changes you.” No, change in you may be a wonderful by-product of prayer. But, Scripture is jammed, from Genesis to Revelation, with the amazing reality that God uses prayer to change things. 

So, back to what John Wesley discovered, after decades of continuous awakening in Great Britain…

“God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.”

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