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My Way

It was one of Frank Sinatra’s most popular songs.

I’ve actually officiated funerals where the family has chosen to play that song as a summation of the life of the deceased.

It would be the last song I’d ever want to be identified with!

The lyrics could have been written, though, by Azariah, son of Hoshaiah.

“I faced it all, and I stood tall; and did it my way…”

Azariah was a leader of the remnant of the people of Israel, remaining in the land after Babylon’s final victory over Jerusalem.

Babylon was the judgment of God, for 700 years of Israel’s habitual wandering and idolatry. Babylon had taken most of the people into exile, where God intended to purify His people of their idols.

But a remnant of the people and Jeremiah had been left behind in the land, through a variety of circumstances…but by God’s design.

So, this remnant approached the prophet Jeremiah and asked him to “pray that the Lord your God will show us what to do and where to go.” (Jeremiah 42:3).

Sounds straightforward.

They assured Jeremiah, “We will obey the Lord our God…whatever He tells us to do…whether we like it or not.” (Jeremiah 42:5-6).

However, behind their request was an underlying sentiment that going to Egypt looked to them…like the reasonable thing to do. Surely, Nebuchadnezzar would never dare to attack Egypt. And if he did, surely Egypt would be invincible.

They’d be safe there.

It made sense to a logical mind.

But God had something totally different in mind for His remnant.

“Stay here in this land. I will build you up here. I will plant you here. Do not fear the king of Babylon anymore. I am with you to save you and rescue you from his power. I will be merciful to you so he will let you stay here in your land.” (Jeremiah 42:7-12)

OK, it’s a done deal, right?

They’ll stay, right?


[Cue Frank Sinatra’s song.]

“When Jeremiah finished giving this message from the Lord to all the people, Azariah and all the other proud men said to Jeremiah, “You lie! The Lord our God hasn’t forbidden us to go to Egypt.”

“And the people refused to obey the Lord’s command to stay in Judah.” (Jeremiah 43:1-4)

What happened to them?

They went to Egypt.

The exact opposite of what the Lord has told them to do, through Jeremiah.

Nebuchadnezzar eventually attacked Egypt, prevailed against Pharaoh, and the Jewish remnant, that had fled there for safety, died there, either from famine, disease or the sword, just as God has said.

Saints, in these last days we live in…days where the true people of God are more the remnant than the moral majority…we need a word from the Lord.

Our lives, direction and decisions must be governed, not by common sense or what logic dictates, but by hearing and obeying a word from the Lord.

Get close enough to hear!

His directions for you might be the exact opposite of what makes sense to you.

But the key is to inquire of the Lord, by the Spirit, through His Word, as to where He wants you to be and what He wants you to do…Then, obey!

Azariah missed out, on all of the blessings that God had in store for him had he listened and obeyed the word of the Lord…and stayed right there in Jerusalem.

Instead, he did it his way, and the dust of his bones today is mixed in with the dust and dirt of Egypt…so far from God’s highest and best.

I want to do it His way!

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