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Power of Hiddenness: Intimacy in the Waiting

There is a deep desire in all of us to be known- to know and be known. Could it be that this is our human nature? It wouldn’t be surprising. We are created in the image of God…and God created us out of the love and intimacy of the Trinity. If we were created from intimacy then, of course, we are created for intimacy.

While it’s one of the deepest cries of our hearts, it also seems to be one of the most confusing times in history for truly being known. The false personas we all display (intentionally or not) on social media and beyond make knowing and being known extremely difficult. The value of our identity and relationships are sadly defined by the quantity of likes and follows rather than found in true intimacy and connection. We long for public recognition, thinking we will finally discover the connection and value we seek. Popularity is a false identity and proves hollow when true intimacy is needed.

But before we rush to blame the current state of society, we must recognize that this is a battle of the heart that has been around for much longer than Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. For generations, humanity has been searching for value through public acceptance and recognized achievements.

The Bible is full of examples of the those who found identity, intimacy and purpose in the seasons of life where they were unseen and unnoticed. It happened for Joseph in the Egyptian jail, Elisha as he plowed in the fields, Hannah when she cried out for a child and even for Jesus as he battled in the desert.

One of the most well-known Biblical examples of the power of hiddenness is found in the life of David. He was one who thrived in the hidden places- in the pastures with sheep, delivering lunch to his brothers and serving a king who despised him. David personally knew the benefits of letting God build you up when no one else was looking.

Psalms 37 is an invitation to a life of hiddenness.

1-2 Don’t bother your head with braggarts

or wish you could succeed like the wicked.

In no time they’ll shrivel like grass clippings

and wilt like cut flowers in the sun.

3-4 Get insurance with God and do a good deed,

    settle down and stick to your last.

Keep company with God,

get in on the best.

5-6 Open up before God, keep nothing back;

he’ll do whatever needs to be done:

He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day

and stamp you with approval at high noon.

Quiet down before God,

be prayerful before him…

18-19 God keeps track of the decent folk;

what they do won’t soon be forgotten.

In hard times, they’ll hold their heads high;

when the shelves are bare, they’ll be full…

23-24 Stalwart (loyal, reliable and hardworking) walks in step with God;

his path blazed by God, he’s happy.

If he stumbles, he’s not down for long;

God has a grip on his hand.

25-26 I once was young, now I’m a graybeard—

not once have I seen an abandoned believer,

or his kids out roaming the streets.

Every day he’s out giving and lending,

his children making him proud.

27-28 Turn your back on evil,

work for the good and don’t quit.

God loves this kind of thing,

never turns away from his friends.

28-29 Live this way and you’ve got it made,

but bad eggs will be tossed out.

The good get planted on good land

and put down healthy roots.

34 Wait passionately for God,

don’t leave the path.

He’ll give you your place in the sun

while you watch the wicked lose it…

37-38 Keep your eye on the healthy soul,

scrutinize the straight life;

There’s a future

in strenuous wholeness…

39-40 The spacious, free life is from God,

it’s also protected and safe.

God-strengthened, we’re delivered from evil—

when we run to him, he saves us.

The Psalmist encourages us to stay tucked into the humble, hidden, quiet places God may have for us. He invites you to trust that the Lord will validate you (v. 5-6), provide all that you need (v. 18-19), walk with you (v. 23-24), plant and root you in a good land (v. 28-29) and lead you to a spacious and free life, protected and safe. (v. 39-40).

There is a powerful identity and a promise of intimacy that can only be found in the hidden place, as you wait on the Lord for His timing and His calling. In seasons of hiddenness, let the ache of your heart to be known and to have significance push and propel you into the embrace and intimacy you were created for – in the secret place. The loneliness is a grace to you. The dissatisfaction is a blessing. It is in places of hiddenness that we find our identities and discover true intimacy.

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